
Species Totals


Mammals are the best known animals in our area, but are often the least conspicuous.  Most are quite shy and many are nocturnal, so they are seldom seen.

Below, I have listed the species of mammals found on the property during this study.  Except for the few animals I saw while out looking for plants and birds, I identified most mammals from their tracks during the few snows of the winter or from carcasses dragged in by the cats and dogs. 

The two large dogs who range across the property keep the large mammal population in check while the cats serve a similar purpose for the small mammals.  To some extent, this is helpful since these domesticated animals take the place of large predators (such as wolves and mountain lions) which have been extirpated from our area.  However, the property shows some signs of over-hunting by the dogs.  I would have expected to see several species which were not sighted during this year - Virginia Opossum, Red Fox, and Woodchuck being the most glaring omissions. 

Species List
Northern Short-tailed Shrew (Blarina brevicauda)
Shrews are primarily subterranean, spending most of their life below the earth's surface.  The cats only dragged in one shrew, which was of this species.  However, tracks in the snow suggest that shrews are relatively common on the property.  Several other species could be found here as well.

Hairy-tailed Mole (Parascalops breweri)
Moles are even more subterranean than shrews, seldom coming above ground.  The cats dragged in one Hairy-tailed Mole.  I also found mole tunnels at a few points on the property, denoting mole activity which could have been this or another species. 

I saw a few bats flying in the evening above Wortroot Cove.  They could have been any of several species. 

Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
This species was identified from tracks in the snow in the woods.  The tracks might possibly have been from a Red Fox, or even from a small dog though its behavior was fox-like.  Only a few signs of this species were found, so it is probably relatively rare on the property. 

Raccoon (Procyon loton)
A few sightings of tracks suggest that raccoons occasionally range over the property in the woods. 

Mink (Mustela vison)
One found dead at the new site.  Since mink are shy and nocturnal, there could be others present near wet areas on the property.

Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis)
Tracks and frequent skunk scent on the dogs suggest that a few skunks live on the property in the woods. 

White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Deer are relatively frequent on the property, though only in the far reaches of the woods (most commonly near the top of Middle Cave Ridge). 

Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus)
Chipmunks are seen relatively frequently on the property in the woods. 

Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Gray Squirrels are the mammal most commonly seen on the property.   Squirrels can be found throughout the wooded areas.   

Tracks of mice (probably White-footed (Peromyscus leucopus) or Deer (Peromyscus maniculatus)) were found relatively frequently in the woods of the property.  In addition, mice (probably the alien House Mouse (Mus musculus)) live in the house.  Finally, I saw one mouse in open woods which looked like a Golden Mouse (Peromyscus nuttalli).

I found a few vole tracks at wood edges.  The tracks could have represented any one of several species. 

Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus)
Cottontails are seen relatively frequently in brambly parts of the property.  Most were adults, but I also found a nest of young rabbits. 

Further Study
Small mammals require specialized sampling.  Most of my small mammal sampling consisted of identifying those which had been killed by the cats, so further study is merited.

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Last updated 9/04.