Lists Introduction
The next six sections consist of species lists of all of the vascular
plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and butterflies found at
Wortroot during this inventory. Since common names have been used
throughout the rest of this report, these lists can be used to find the
scientific names of each species, as well as to find other information
about their status at Wortroot.
All of the lists place species in phylogenetic
order, so that closely related species are close together on the
list. The
order of species in these lists will match the order in many field
guides and
checklists. The only exception is that within plant families,
species are placed in alphabetical order by scientific name.
Rare Species
Several species found on the property are on the Virginia Rare Plant or
Animal Lists, both of which are lists of species which are rare or of
uncertain status in Virginia. Other species are on the Virginia
Watchlists, meaning that they are in need of monitoring in the
state. The following abbreviations are used in the species lists
to refer to these species' status globally and in Virginia.
- G3 = Either very rare and local throughout its range or found
(even abundantly at some of its locations) in a restricted range; or
vulnerable to extinction because of other factors. Usually fewer
100 occurrences are documented.
- G4 = common and apparently secure globally, though it may be rare
in parts of its range, especially at the periphery.
- G5 = very common and demonstrably secure globally, though it may
be rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery
- G_T_ = signifies the rank of a subspecies or variety.
For example, a G5T4 would be a subspecies of a species that is
demonstrably secure globally (G5) but the subspecies warrants a rank of
T4, rare in parts of its range.
- S1 = Extremely rare and imperiled with five or fewer occurrences
or very few remaining individuals in Virginia; or because of some
factor(s) making it especially vulnerable to extirpation in
- S2 = Very rare and imperilled with 6 to 20 occurrences or few
remaining individuals in Virginia; or because of some factor(s) making
it vulnerable to extirpation in Virginia.
- S3 = Rare to uncommon in Virginia with between 20 and 100
occurrences; may have fewer occurrences if found to be common or
abundant at some of these locations; may be somewhat vulnerable to
extirpation in Virginia.
- S4 = Common and apparently secure with more than 100 occurrences;
may have fewer occurrences with numerous large populations.
- S5 = Very common and demonstrably secure in Virginia, though it
may be rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery.
- SZN = Long distance migrant whose occurrences outside of the
breeding season are not monitored or a species whose wintering
populations are transitory and usually do not occur regularly at
specific localities.
- SC = Special Concern; animals that merit special concern
according to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland
Fisheries. This is not a legal category.
- LT = Listed threatened federally. A taxon is likely to
become endangered in the foreseeable future.
- B = This suffix refers to the breeding status of the animal.
- N = This suffix refers to the nonbreeding status of the
- ? = A ? following the status means that the plant's rank is
Roble, S.M. 2003. Natural Heritage Resources of Virginia:
Rare Animal Species. Virginia Department of Conservation
and Recreation: Richmond.
Townsend, J.F. 2004. Natural
Heritage Resources of Virginia: Rare Plants. Virginia
Department of Conservation and Recreation: Richmond.
Questions or comments?
Last updated 9/04.