This section and the next few concern the physical aspects of
Wortroot. Although many of these physical features are
interesting for their own sake, I will pay the most attention to those
which lay the framework for the biological communities found on
Wortroot. In addition, I have mentioned several man-made
physical features which influence the visitor's experience on the
Where is Wortroot?
Wortroot is located on the border between northeast Tennessee and
southwest Virginia. The majority of the property is found in
Scott County, VA, with a small portion of the property found in
Sullivan County, TN.
As shown on the map above, Wortroot is about halfway between Bristol
and Kingsport.
Physiographic Province
Wortroot is located within the Valley and Ridge physiographic
province. This portion of the Appalachian Mountains consists of a
series of ridges and valleys which run from the southwest to the
The specific valley in which Wortroot is located is often called the
Great Valley due to its large size. In our region, the Great
Valley is bounded on the west by the Clinch Mountain and on the east by
the Holston Mountain.
The map above is from The
College of William and Mary's geology site. A key to the
province abbreviations follows:
AP = Appalachian Plateau province
RV = Ridge and Valley subprovince of the Valley and Ridge province
GV = Great Valley subprovince of the Valley and Ridge province
M = Massanutten Mountain subprovince of the Valley and Ridge province
nBR = northern Blue Ridge subprovince of the Blue Ridge province
sBR = southern Blue Ridge subprovince of the Blue Ridge province
F = Foothills subprovince of the Piedmont province
ML = Mesozoic Lowlands subprovince of the Piedmont province
OP = Outer Piedmont subprovince of the Piedmont province
CU = Upland subprovince of the Coastal Plain province
CL = Lowland subprovince of the Coastal Plain province
BM = Barrier Islands and Salt Marshes subprovince of the Coastal Plain
Questions or comments?
Last updated 9/04.